Our vision

Babaluca is a unique place where humans and nature live in harmony. Surrounded by an intact natural landscape full of biodiversity, Babaluca offers a protected space for the conservation of wildlife and the implementation of sustainable practices such as Permaculture. Here respect and care for nature are fundamental. The rhythm of life is guided by the cycles of the earth and the seasons. 

This place is vibrant and colourful, an oasis of creativity where people come together to create, learn and develop in community. Workshops, retreats and cultural events not only foster social exchange, but also offer a space for inspiration, concentration and inner growth. Artistic residencies and various creative projects are deeply connected with social and ecological awareness. 

Babaluca invites you to find peace and rest, to reconnect with nature and to discover a space of freedom for self-expression. It is a refuge where time is perceived and lived consciously, a place for cultural exchange and deep appreciation of the interaction between nature, culture and community. 

Here the human being becomes part of a living ecosystem that nurtures the senses and offers new impulses for a sustainable, creative and fulfilling way of life. 


The project

Who are we?

Babaluca was founded in 2011 by Barbara and Lukasz. Since then, we live several months a year on the island and earn our living in Switzerland. From 2025 onwards, we want to take the leap and live in Argentina most of the time.


Buildings and services

There are several simple accommodations and common rooms. We have mains electricity, a daily passenger boat service, a storage boat 4 days a week and a connection to the mainland via a dirt road. 

Join us

In order to share our experiences and complete our knowledge we are looking for people who share our vision and want to collaborate to realise it. We sell 3 lots of 5000m2.



We are looking for persons who share our values and are able to adapt to life on the island. It's important to be financially independent, responsible, honest and reliable.



Contact us. 


Isla Babaluca

Canal Antonio Seoane

Partido De San Fernando

Provincia de Buenos Aires, Argentina

Email: infobabaluca(at)gmail.com

Celu: +54 11 2621 9407

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