10. Juni 2020
"Living in two worlds" was the title of the last blog post. "Should I stay or should I go" was the song that kept running through my head the last few days on Babaluca. A lot has happened in the meantime. The world is a different one today, and not long ago nobody would have thought such drastic changes possible. It took a long time until I could put my thoughts into words.
01. Januar 2020
It is time again, the flight to Argentina is pending, and with it the change from our everyday life in Switzerland to the Argentina mode. From a life which is largely determined by others to a life which we almost exclusively shape according to our dreams and ideas. From functional to experimental mode. We have been doing this for 10 years now, 9 months working and earning money in Switzerland, 3 months spending money in Argentina. A life in two worlds.
03. Dezember 2019
When we first drove out to our newly acquired property, we had no idea what to expect. The property had been uninhabited for some time and was not maintained. That it is accessible not only by ship but also by land, we had learned from our neighbour, who had marked on the map in rough outlines, where we can cross the Paraná with the ferry. Now we were ready for our first trip on the Camino Isleño.
28. Oktober 2019
Do you sometimes dream of a place where everything is a bit different, a bit slower, more friendly, more supportive, more respectful? A place where you can project all your wishes and desires? Where you can do and leave what you want? So do we. This is the story of Babaluca.